domingo, enero 21, 2024

2023 The year of sowing


Jean & Diana Alexis

Missionaries in Madagascar 

Jean and Diana in Madagascar

Throughout the year 2023, Jean and I focused on sowing the Word of God in children and adults here in northern Madagascar. We have seen God's support in the results of the fruits of our efforts.

First of all, we thank God for helping us master the Malagasy language and allowing us to communicate, still with some mistakes, but we are improving little by little.

For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power.
1 Corinthians 4:20


God has allowed us to have two ministries: children and adults. We started Kid's ministry with 4 and closed the year with 27 kids in total.

Kids from the bush
Kids from the bush

We are developing this ministry in the bush and in town. We meet with the rural children every Sunday morning, while with the remaining ones, we meet in town every Sunday early evening.

Kids in town
Kids in town

All year long we have taught them about the life of Jesus and how to communicate with him through prayer. Every Sunday, we learn a key Bible verse since it is very important for them to memorize the Word of God.

Likewise, Jean created a roulette with the different needs to pray to God. They have learned to give thanks for the day, for the food, for family and friends.

Jean teaching how to pray in Malagasy language

As a testimony, we had a meal that we provided for them, and we asked who wanted to pray and immediately one of our 4-year-old children began to bow his little head and thank God for the food in the same way as we had taught him. Wow, that was very encouraging for us because previously they were very shy and did not want to participate.


Our main goal is to introduce Jesus to their lives but also we cannot be insensitive knowing that they do not have food to eat every day and giving nothing. 

So, Jean and I added a giving-food section in our ministry. We had the opportunity to give healthy breakfast at least every Sunday. This breakfast consists of boiled corn, hard-boiled eggs, and seasonal fruits. Sometimes we give tuna sandwiches but they are not used to eating this kind of food and they find it very strange flavor haha. So, we changed into noodle soup or spaghetti with vegetables. 

kids having meal

kids having meal

Finally, in our meetings, we also have worship time. This time is so precious for them. They love singing and moving their bodies. 


In the adult ministry, we have 5 women who each represent a family, meaning that these single mothers are going to spread the seeds of the Gospel with their children. They are the mothers of the children whom we are teaching the Good News in the bush.

They have been hearing the Gospel for more than eight months and we trust that Jesus has been working on them all. At first, they felt very uncomfortable with the Gospel but now they welcome us very enthusiastic and happy with the teachings of God. In this picture, they received Bibles so they could start reading them.

women received Bibles

One of our ladies in this group has already confessed that she is ready to be baptized. We are just waiting for her to be with great conviction and without pressure to take this important decision.

Also, they have shared with us their needs and difficult times with no food. For us, it's very touching to hear these kinds of things and we are sharing row food with them every month. 

Food for families


In town, we are also sharing the Gospel with our Malagasy friends. One of them wanted to be baptized and we were very excited and happy for this big and serious decision he made. 

Now, we are visiting him to continue teaching the Word of God. He is paying so much attention to the teachings and we can see his excitement in his face. 

Our disciple being baptized
Our disciple being baptized

Our disciple with his new Bible
Our disciple with his new Bible



  • Wisdom and boldness to share the Gospel with everyone.
  • Kids ministry so things go smoothly and they can learn with clarity and enthusiasm. 
  • For women to be obedient to get baptized this year.
  • Finances and other resources to give away for kids.